Stylized Water 3 – Documentation

Stylized Water 3

Stylized Water 3
Version: 3.0.0

5.1.Height Query System #

Draft documentation, this section is being expanded upon! 🙂

The height of the water surface, as it is animated through Waves and Dynamic Effects, is entirely determined by shader-based effects (GPU). These live in a different domain from C# scripts (CPU).

Being able to read out the water’s height at a given position in the world is crucial for implementing physics-based buoyancy.

This system facilitates such functionality, through 2 different methods.

By large this functionality is for use with custom scripts and buoyancy physics implementations.

It is otherwise only used by the Align Transform To Water component.

CPU (Wave pattern replication)

This method is identical to that featured in Stylized Water 2

Whilst the wave animations takes place entirely in the shader, the exact same wave pattern can be reproduce in C#.

 Performance efficient
✅ Values are returned instantaneously

 Limited to flat water surfaces (requires a specific water level)
❌ Only returns the wave animation height, never any Dynamic Effects

⚠️ Vertex color wave flattening cannot be taken into account

GPU (Async height readback)

This method renders the water’s height values into an off-screen render texture and reads from it in select locations.

Returns the water’s height exactly as it appears, including curved geometry (eg. rivers)
✅ Supports Dynamic Effects

 Consumes more resources (additional rendering pass and processing of queries)

Waves with a high steepness value can produces slightly inaccurate results
⚠️ You cannot have hundreds of individual scripts each requesting just 1 sample, this is highly inefficient
⚠️ This functionality requires Compute Shader support. Therefor WebGL is not supported (use WebGPU instead).


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Last updated on October 15, 2024
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