SC Post Effects Documentation

SC Post Effects
Version: 2.3.9

7.Known Issues #

Fog effect ignores water shaders and particles

This is a general 3D rendering issue. Seeing as water/particle shaders are transparent, they do not write to the depth texture. Fog is a depth-based effect, making transparent shaders virtually invisible to it. This occurrence is barely noticed for shallow water bodies or particles close up.

In URP, it’s possible to incorporate the fog shading directly into another shader using Shader Graph. See the Fog effect page for more details.

Distance set for an effect looks different between Scene and Game view

Some effects that rely on the depth texture (such as Edge Detection and Fog) may look slightly different in Scene View, since the far clipping plane varies, depending on your scene’s size. This means distances may be interpreted differently from your game camera.

Since Unity 2019.1 the scene view camera far clipping plane can be adjusted through the scene-view toolbar. Turn off “Dynamic Clipping”, and match the Near/Far clipping plane values to that of your game camera.

Sun Shafts
The sun shafts are cast from the skybox, from pixel color values exceeding the set threshold. If highly emissive objects are placed between the viewer and the skybox (near the sun), they will appear to cast sun shafts as well.

Isolating the effect to the sun disk (with cloud occlusion) is only possible with a specialised set up.

Fog height noise artefacts
When the camera is inside of the height fog and looking up, slight noise artefacts may show due to precision issues. Though, when using a skybox, this is barely noticeable.


Unused shaders get included into a build

Yes, this is certainly a pain point. You can certainly delete any effects from your project that you aren’t using. But be sure to also deleted the corresponding editor script in the SC/Post Effects/Editor/Editors folder. Effect shaders are in “Resources” folder, so they are included in a build. There’s normally no reference to these shaders, the related materials are created at runtime.

No longer the case as of version 2.3.0

Unused shaders get included into a build

Yes, this is certainly a pain point. You can certainly delete any effects from your project that you aren’t using. But be sure to also deleted the corresponding editor script in the SC/Post Effects/Editor/Editors folder. Effect shaders are in “Resources” folder, so they are included in a build. There’s normally no reference to these shaders, the related materials are created at runtime.

No longer the case as of version 2.2.0
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Last updated on January 20, 2023
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